But that is not what is happening today. No, it is back to real life Monday. Where Morgan can not decide what to put on today. But testing her sugar is the last thing on her list. So I chase her around the house trying to get her to give me a reading. While that is going on, I am trying to get Joshua to eat so when he does take his ADHD meds he doesn't get all loopy from no food being in his stomach. And Noah, well, he has just figured out that everyone is moving around the house fast and it is time for him to get out of bed. But that is not what he wants to do. He wants to once again try to convince me that I am really smart and he should stay home from Kindergarten today and I will teach him. TEACH HIM WHAT? I am not sure but these are the conversation and sometimes battle we have most days because he doesn't want to go. Then there is Logan who I think just wants to escape the craziness and just go to school. Yup, that is our Monday morning all before 6:30am. I'm sorry, and why don't I drink? Who knows but I think if I started I may never stop!
All kidding aside, this is one tough group to get out of the house in the morning with our combination of fun on top of missing shoes and homework. So how do you get your tough mornings going? Many days I can hear my mind wheels just grinding away. So many things to do and be responsible for with our little group. And I used to kid myself and think, well if Morgan is doing her own laundry she must be testing her sugar right? Oh no no. Doing laundry is only to look good and have the perfect clothes on. I get that testing her sugar is to live a long and healthy life. But why doesn't she? Oh I know, she is 16. I have to remind myself of that everyday, otherwise she would never test her sugar. I also have to remember when I was that age I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to have diabetes on board. Wow that has to be tough on her. Let's not forget that there is no way I can even guess how hard that would be but she is pushing through and still going forward and that is all I can ask.
So, that is how our week is starting out. And the day has only begun. I now have to get all of my ducks in a row with my business, which some days feels like a 5th child, but truly keeps me balanced. And that leads me to the point of the day...BALANCE! I love running my own business. And yes I do it for extra money for the family. But lets face it, if I didn't have something of my own. Something that was mine and mine alone, I may drop a bunch of balls that I have flying in the air all at once. My business gives me that balance and since of self worth. Not that being a mother is not worthy or important. It is just that you need to have that something that is not just about the kids or family. Because if you think really hard you will remember back to when you where born, it was just you. And all of this craziness that we call life needs a strong person with a good sense of self. It not only helps you but it teaches these little ones as well. We always preach to these kids they need to take care of themselves, well we need to teach by example as well. So find your balance. What is a passion or drive that you have that you can fit into your already tight schedule. I of all people realize the tough road it is to lead with a child that has health "bumps in the road". So if staying strong for them means you staying strong for you then please, please, please realize how important you are to them and make you the best you, you can be. It is like exercise for the soul. Find a passion and a balance will follow!
(Mama Bear)
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