So how did I decide to do this? There is a simple answer to that. Morgan, now 16, was diagnosed at the age of 6 with diabetes. So it has been a long road of ups and downs. Many days of great highs and a few of terrible lows. But for the most part just thankful that I can help my child with her illness. But days, and I should say, even moments of incredible freeing unbridled JOY aren't always the norm. Not for any family no matter what their dealt in life. And when someone tells you for the first time,"you need to sit down, there is something I have to tell you", life will never be the same again. But the other night I had that moment and 3 days later I am still feeling it. Joshua caught and ran in the ball for a touchdown. That in itself was incredible, but as he came off the field he pointed up at me in the stands and blew me a kiss! Every woman and girl around me let out a collective OHHHHHHHHH! I was so blown away I had all I could do not to cry. A 14 year old boy doesn't ever show public affection but for some reason, (and I am going to take all of the credit for this) I did something right and he let the entire world, or at least the 200 people in the stands know that. WOW, he is definitely on Santa's nice list this year!
What is my point? So simple...when you have a lot on your plate like this family does, you have to learn to take those moments and turn them into gold, because that is what they are.
So as the days go on and this blog spot grows, I will share more and more about this group of people that if only one person can relate to and makes them feel a little better then I have done what I set out to do. When you have even one issue with a child it can take your heart and set it on the sidewalk to be kicked and stepped on every day. My kids may not know until they have kids of their own the struggle everyday is to keep my head held high as a mom and be positive. Because if you let this junk that is tossed your way show on your face they will see it and the ship will sink for sure. But if you keep the one foot in front of the other approach you can all get from point a to point b in a very happy and loving family way. I know this is hard, I am not living a fairly tale, but I am writing my own fairly tale with all of the misfit things that have been handed to me one way or the other.
So please stop by daily and check on things like what Morgans Sugar is today, or if Josh got all his homework done and even little Noah went another day with out a outburst in the middle of the store. And of course, how Logan held his moms hand though it all and showed me the hope that comes with every new day!
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